The Heart speaks a language that two deceiving lips can not conceal!

_Th’Andre’ Le’Ron

3 thoughts on “THE HEART SPEAKETH

  1. Excellent quote, and so true. I appreciate your thinking very much. I have studied many different spiritual and religious belief systems, contemporary and ancient, and as well as many philosophies, and I am extremely interested in science and nature and anything about the universe that mankind could potentially learn from. I care about ALL colors, all thinking related to these things that you also cover, as well as the injustices that come about in this world related to the many cultures of this world, and cultures within cultures such as specific groups (i.e. homeless – the invisible people, and I have written about this before), the physically/developmentally/emotionally challenged peoples of the world, for whom I have always been a strong advocate/paraeducator/teacher/tutor. Our cultures today around the world have come so far astray from what the original tribes of people throughout the world believed. So it is good to welcome to you to my blog and also now to belong to your blog as well. I don’t always get a chance to visit the blogs of my friends, but I try to visit as often as possible. Peace and harmony always, Anne


    1. Love, Peace, and Harmony to you as well Anne. It’s a beautiful thing to see pass the shield of distractions and ignorance. It’s truly a blessing for the world. The more we all do what we can to evolve our own person the better the world will be. Thank you..

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