The Heart speaks a language that two deceiving lips can not conceal! _Th’Andre’ Le’Ron


To be in judgement of thee is to be in judgement of me. So let me begin. “Once man knows God he will not beg,” says Emerson. So as I read and comprehend that phrase I say all of a man’s actions will be a prayer. God is the all being, the source, the energy.Continue reading “2018 SELF ASSESMENT II”


            LET THY WORK BE THY PRAYER             _TH’ANDRE’ LE’RON

fork-in-the-road.jpg (3008×2000) I came to the fork in the road and I went straight. Yeah– I like to blaze my own trail!

I’m not Writing just to say I’m Right… :)

I’m not Writing just to say I’m Right!! Like most people that blog, I write because I love to write. In other words, it’s just an opinion—my opinion. And an opinion is just that, a person’s view based on the knowledge that they have at hand. Sometimes I find that I am wrong and IContinue reading “I’m not Writing just to say I’m Right… :)”

Hypnotic Rhythm

      I heard a comment the other day and it stopped me dead in my tracks–well at least mentally. This comment has probably been repeated for ages but the person that said it spoke with so much conviction that I don’t think they knew the impact it had on a serious listener. ThisContinue reading “Hypnotic Rhythm”


Rene Descartes supposedly penned the quote ” I Think; Therefore I Am”, and I’m not too sure who placed the word DANGEROUS on there but it got me to thinking, but I’m not DANGEROUS! Unless you consider thinking of ways to make the world better through good deeds and kind words as being DANGEROUS, then IContinue reading ““To THINK””